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Only 9% of companies harness the potential of AI for energy savings - Study EnergIA by Smarkia

The study, prepared by GFK for Smarkia, reveals data on the expectations, penetration and contribution of Artificial Intelligence in the energy management of large companies. Find out more!
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Energy Efficiency
News Smarkia

In a world where energy efficiency is becoming an unavoidable priority for companies, the study 'EnergIA by Smarkia ', sheds the necessary light on the crucial role of Artificial Intelligence applications in the management and optimization of energy consumption

The study, prepared by GFK for Smarkia, reveals data on the expectations, penetration and contribution of Artificial Intelligence in energy management in large companies.

Thanks to this blogpost, we can tell you first-hand the most relevant and striking conclusions of the study. And best of all! You can download the preview of the report in a reduced version to see all the data and statistics with which you can make an impact on your energy savings.

The impact of the energy crisis on decision making

To begin the study, we wanted to know what the true reality is and how the energy crisis affects large national and international companies. It had to be something we could ask them! Therefore, we wanted to know what managers and directors of large companies thought about this variable, asking what impact the energy crisis had on companies and what measures had to be taken to mitigate its economic consequences.

The study EnergIA by Smarkia reveals that for 87% of companies the energy crisis had a moderate or large impact, thus positioning energy efficiency as the key to reducing consumption, company costs and its environmental footprint. 

In addition to this major impact of the energy crisis, we asked ourselves to what extent large companies had opted to take immediate measures to reduce these costs, and found that the vast majority of them applied or are currently applying some type of solution to reduce energy consumption.

These include the adoption of energy efficiency measures (76%) and energy monitoring, metering and consumption management systems (79%). These results demonstrate the urgency and proactive action of companies in the face of today's energy challenges.

In addition, 90% of the companies consider energy efficiency to be quite or very important to reduce costs and 93% also highlight its importance to reduce their impact on the environment, a revealing fact that indicates precisely that there does seem to be an awareness of sustainability and, above all, of the energy efficiency and optimization that we promote at Smarkia.

The role of Artificial Intelligence in business energy efficiency

Despite the current boom in the application of AI, who hasn't heard of ChatGPT by now? Only 24% of companies use it on a daily basis, either for content creation (10%) or for data analysis and predictive models (14%).

And despite the fact that 75% of companies consider the option of contracting AI-based energy management systems to be interesting, the study reveals that only 9% are currently taking advantage of this transformative potential. But be careful! The key to this data that seems so pessimistic is that companies that already use AI in their energy management are very satisfied with the results of its application in reducing their costs and carbon footprint.

The causes of this wastage? The persistent lack of knowledge about energy efficiency in companies with Artificial Intelligence, as 44% of companies are unaware that there is even the possibility of using AI to manage energy consumption and the positive impact it can have on sustainable energy management models. 

Despite this, we are in luck! The data speaks for itself: 75% of managers would consider hiring AI-based systems, highlighting their usefulness in reducing the energy bill (61%) and reducing the carbon footprint (58%). It seems that the solutions are making their way into the market with their own good reputation, how will companies respond next year?

Energy efficiency in the home

The transition to energy efficiency goes beyond business operations into the daily lives of managers. 

Ninety-five percent of them claim to have measures in place to reduce energy consumption in their own homes, underlining the personal importance they attach to sustainability.

This finding reinforces the idea that the adoption of efficient practices is not only a business imperative, but also a commitment rooted in daily life to save energy in communities and homes.

Main conclusions of the study EnergIA by Smarkia

The study 'EnergIA by Smarkia ' reveals a scenario where the potential of Artificial Intelligence in energy management is significant, but still underutilized. AI is not only presented as an effective tool for energy savings in companies and environmental impact, but also as an essential ally in the transition to a sustainable energy future. 

According to Javier Lozano (founder of Smarkia), the need to improve energy efficiency and position Artificial Intelligence as an ally in this path is highlighted:

"Artificial Intelligence is a powerful reality; its transformative potential is unquestionable. At Smarkia, we employ this technology to revolutionize energy management and optimization. The study 'EnergIA by Smarkia ' reveals that many companies do not yet fully understand how AI can revolutionize energy efficiency. However, given the imperative need to improve in this area, we are absolutely convinced that Artificial Intelligence will be the inescapable ally to drive the energy transition."

In conclusion, 'EnergIA by Smarkia ' provides valuable information that should drive companies to explore and adopt AI-based solutions to optimize their energy consumption. The transition to a more efficient model is not only a necessity, but also an opportunity to lead the change and build a sustainable future.

Download here the complete study