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Energy saving in companies: 7 key ideas

If you are looking for ways to save energy in your organization, here are 7 tips that you may not have thought of to reduce your bill
energy savings in companies
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Energy Efficiency

There are several ways to start taking energy saving measures in companies, but the first thing to do is to define an energy saving plan supported by the management, which shows the way forward and motivates employees to take part and collaborate in these saving measures and thus reduce consumption and the ecological impact of the company.

In addition, it is very important to provide constant feedback, which motivates the group to continue with a greener posture, since, by monitoring and measuring consumption, it is possible to demonstrate the improvement in energy consumption.

Everything that can be measured can be improved. That is why the best tool and friend when it comes to achieve energy savings in companies is an energy efficiency software that allows to see the consumption, the energy losses that penalize the bill and the corresponding savings obtained after the energy saving plan.

In addition, some legal obligations such as the RD 56/2016 by which, the companies marked in this regulation have the obligation to perform an energy audit, or implement an energy management platform based on the ISO 50001 require greater control of energy consumption. And of course, if you have to comply with an obligation, the most interesting thing is to make the most of it. Thus, the use of an energy management system allows a constant control of consumption, in addition to the forecast of these, being able to anticipate events, avoiding surprises and optimizing consumption.

In order to optimize the energy bill and achieve real energy savings in companies, it is not necessary to make large investments. Without going any further, Smarkia is a platform that does not require high costs or implementation time, as it does not require the installation of specific hardware or the acquisition of licenses. In this way, hardly any economic resources or time are dedicated to its incorporation into the daily activity. And the reason for this is the desire to start reducing the company's energy bill as soon as possible.

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The first way to save energy in companies: monitoring

One of the first measures that can be taken when monitoring energy consumption, is to be able to choose the contracted power in the electricity bill that best suits the actual consumption of the entity. Achieving already with that alone an important saving to realize no effort nor disbursement.

Second tip: select a suitable energy tariff

Also, closely related to the above, is the selection of the energy tariff that best suits the work habits of the company, reducing the bill considerably. Also, of course, it is convenient to compare the different tariffs among the multiple electricity companies to choose the cheapest in both. At this point, electricity tariff comparators available online can be useful.

Third ally for energy savings in companies: the Sankey Diagram

The detection, thanks to tools such as the Sankey Diagram, of energy losses, as well as hidden or anomalous consumption, allows the organization to solve and eliminate them, when otherwise, headquarters would know that this is the source of energy and economic losses constantly in the company.

Fourth tip: a good accompaniment is the best way to save energy.

Although the above ideas for saving energy in companies are most useful, all of them must be accompanied by good practices acquired by the members of the organization, so that responsible attitudes towards the company's consumption accompany and do not detract from all the efforts and measures that are carried out over time. Good energy management software is key, but the best savings are achieved with the involvement of everyone.

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Fifth energy saving idea for companies: modernize yourself

The ideas for energy saving in companies that we have seen so far hardly require investment of resources, but apart from these examples, there are many other measures that through certain monetary investments and the allocation of different resources of the company, obtain energy improvements and, with more or less time, after the amortization of the resources allocated, a reduction in costs compared to the initial situation.

A first example, and one of the most common, is the modernization of lighting and air conditioning systems, as well as the elements that manage and control them. Renewing the current technology for other more modern, new systems, with important improvements and new functions, more efficient, there will be a greater and better management of these elements and the consumption of light, water, gas or other resources involved in their use.

Sixth tip: reactive energy

Compensating reactive energy is an aspect that will solve errors in the energy bill and the penalization of this, thus avoiding unnecessary penalties in the electricity bill.

Seventh energy-saving tip for companies: study your energy consumption

The study of current installations, monitoring the consumption of the different elements. Either looking for more modern alternatives, or designing technological solutions to optimize the consumption of each element and achieve greater energy savings in companies.

As the example of the study of the current heating systems, replacing those conventional oil or natural gas boilers, for more efficient solutions, which require lower consumption, offering better performance and greater energy efficiency in the company.

Conclusions on energy savings in companies

All of this, on an individual basis, contributes little. But the control and monitoring of the processes, as well as the variations in consumption based on the measures that are being implemented, will avoid acting blindly, being able to tackle those points that require greater attention. In addition, it will be possible to motivate the members of the organization by verifying that the results of the measures taken, the new attitudes and the investments made have a positive impact that translates into lower costs. Good news for everyone!

It also translates into less energy needed to perform the same activity, reducing direct emissions from the company's normal activity, as well as pollution and the corresponding improvement of the environment.

After all, a good energy manager is the beginning to achieve energy savings in companies that bring with them all the benefits derived from it; economic, social and labor.

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