Smarkia, ha participado como experto de monitorización y facturas energéticas junto con otras empresas del sector en los últimos webinars sobre monitorización energética, promovidos por la Asociación de Empresas de Eficiencia Energética (A3e), en los que se expuso:
- The steps to follow for the implementation of a Monitoring System.
- How to make the most of these systems to optimize energy consumption and eliminate unnecessary costs for the organization.
Due to the interest in these topics, the sessions were attended by more than 200 people.
One of the main concerns expressed by the attendees was the verification of the energy bill issued by the electricity company, and in case of detecting errors, how to claim them.
En base a nuestra experiencia, estas situaciones son más frecuentes de lo que pueda parecer entre grandes consumidores energéticos. Por ello, este artículo y los casos que se exponen resultarán de interés para conocer otra ventaja de implementar Smarkia en la organización.
El módulo de Factura Inteligente en Smarkia
Entre los diferentes servicios orientados a la gestión de la energía con la norma ISO 50001, Smarkia cuenta con el módulo de Factura Inteligente, que permite entre otras funcionalidades:
- Simulate consumption scenarios and tariff comparison.
- Calculate the most advantageous power to be contracted according to actual consumption.
- Generate energy pre-bills with key information to analyze energy consumption.
Thanks to this last function, on the 1st of each month the organization will have a pre-invoice of energy consumption and costs for the previous month, which can be compared with the utility bill, generated from the same information obtained from the fiscal metering equipment.
In this way, we can easily detect anomalies and request the commercializing company to check and proceed with the re-invoicing of the affected period or periods.
Examples of energy bill claims
A continuación, vamos a presentar varios casos de reclamaciones en facturas energéticas que se han realizado en base a los datos de la plataforma Smarkia:
CASE 1. Incorrect billing of points with relief supplies.
Uno de nuestros clientes multi-sede más importantes a nivel nacional, estaba pagando el 100% del término de potencia en los suministros de socorro en su factura energética. En esta ocasión, la compañía no estaba realizando la devolución del 50% del término de potencia tal y como se recoge en el Real Decreto 1164/2001 (Articulo 5). Esta situación afectó a más de una decena de suministros durante varios meses, lo que supuso que más de 30.000 €fueran detectados, reclamados y refacturados mediante la comparación de la prefactura generada con Smarkia frente a la factura de la comercializadora.
This same case has occurred in more than 30,000 large energy consumers such as hospitals, shopping malls, cinemas or theaters, among others, which require this backup or supplementary supply.
We tell you more about the case
CASE 2. Rebilling of supply due to erroneous energy invoicing.
In the case of customers with a large number of supplies, invoices are usually grouped by company, which streamlines the billing process for both the customer's accounting department and the supplier. However, this grouped management means that in the event of any incident, it is easier to overlook it.
One of the supplies of a customer with several hundred was being billed in duplicate, both individually and together with the rest of the supplies.
After filing a claim and subsequent verification by the supplier, the amount of the refund exceeded €180,000.
If you are in a similar situation, we can help you!
CASE 3. Rebilling of mispriced consumption.
One of the most important analyses to be performed on billing is the distribution of consumption in the different tariff periods. These periods directly affect the cost of the energy term and the excesses, since the cost of each one is different.
With this monitoring, the customer in case 2 was detected in June an incidence in the billing of the 6.1 A tariff for customers in the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands, receiving energy bills with an energy tariff based on the hourly discrimination of the Peninsula.
Mediante el análisis de las prefacturas de Smarkia, se reclamaron más de 10.000 € a la compañía comercializadora, y tras su comprobación, se procedió a la refacturación.
Get to know the PREFACTURAS function of Smarkia
CASE 4. Duplicate supplies.
Finalmente, comentar un caso más de reclamación de otro cliente de Smarkia.
This time, the main and standby supplies had the same consumption in kWh in the bills of the supplier. When this was detected, the consumption of both supplies was analyzed, at which time it was verified that in both cases the measurement was being taken from the same meter.
When making the claim, the customer provided the energy invoices in which this incident occurred, allowing the company to re-invoice the total amount.
Estos, son algunos ejemplos de errores de facturación que han sido reclamados y solventados mediante la monitorización energética con Smarkia. Y más concretamente, por el uso de su módulo de Facturación Inteligente, con el que mes a mes, pueden verificarse los consumos y costes que figuran en las facturas energéticas emitidas por la comercializadora, detectándose posibles errores o sobrecostes.