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How to save energy in the community of neighbors? 3 practical tips

If you manage a community of neighbors, you know that energy costs are often a problem. Here are 3 tips to save energy and costs in your community
saving energy in the community of neighbors
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Energy Efficiency

As everyone knows, communities have a wide and varied set of monthly common expenses such as cleaning, heating, electricity or maintenance, so saving energy in the community of neighbors is a priority. These monthly and annual expenses are logically tried to be minimized, and in this case it could be as simple as starting to take care of consumption habits towards a much more efficient one, avoiding unnecessary expenses and cost overruns in the energy bill.

Of course, before the habits, there is the price comparison in terms of the services offered in the cleaning, the administrator, or energy. Undoubtedly, this last one is one of those that consumes more economic resources, but that in turn, applying energy efficiency measures, can be reduced, and for that reason we are going to give some clues of where to begin.

You can start saving today

First tip for saving energy in the condominium community: the central boiler

One of the points where the greatest savings can be achieved is in the central boiler of the community. Replacing an old boiler with a more modern one can achieve up to 45% savings in hot water and heating.

Since 2017, the individual accounting of heating and hot water expenses for each apartment is mandatory in those communities whose boiler is central, so that all consumption is distributed according to the actual expenditure of each neighbor. In this way, it is sought that by paying what each one consumes, there will be greater energy savings and lower consumption. This measure is based on data from the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), according to which, knowing the real consumption of the user, energy savings in the community of neighbors can reach up to 20%.

Second tip: insulation as a tool to save energy in your condominium community

Although it may seem obvious, this will be key to achieve energy savings in your community of neighbors. Did you know that 80% of homes in Spain do not have adequate insulation? This means that 70% of energy losses in a community are produced by this cause.

In addition to wasting energy, not optimizing insulation has many other disadvantages: it reduces the habitability of the house, increases noise from the outside, condensation, leaks...

With good insulation, you can not only save energy in your community of neighbors, but also save on your bill by not having to allocate so many resources to mitigate the negative effects of this defect.

Third tip: lighting systems as a key issue

Lighting costs are usually the second largest in all budgets, especially in the case of homes. The use of LED technology in common areas, provides from the first moment an energy saving in the community of neighbors of up to 70%, both for its long life (up to 50,000 hours), and for the possibility of reducing the contracted power, thus saving the fixed term of the electricity bill. And if it is also accompanied by the installation of presence detectors in these areas, the savings will increase.

Extra tip for saving energy in the community of neighbors: technology

And if to all this, an energy monitoring system is implemented, it will not only simplify the management tasks of the communities of neighbors, especially in the case of property managers, but also allows to know saving possibilities that exist in the installation as we have explained above: how the measures implemented are working, detect, if any, energy wastage and know how to tackle them.

That is why Smarkia Monitor is perfect when it comes to managing energy consumption, not only for companies, but also for communities of neighbors.

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