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Energy metering: the step-by-step approach to energy monitoring

Energy metering and its correct monitoring are key to real savings in your organization, so let us tell you how?
energy measurement
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Energy Efficiency
Energy Management

The measurement of energy and its consumption in facilities allows to know where, when and how that energy is used, so that knowing this data, it is possible to carry out all those effective and necessary measures to optimize consumption and reduce the energy bill of the organization.

How to make a good energy measurement

First of all, in order to carry out a quality energy measurement, with a follow-up and study of consumption using an energy monitoring system , it is necessary to have the two necessary parts in the process:

Hardware or measuring device:

With which to collect consumption data.

Energy efficiency software

For storage and interpretation of previously collected data.

Get to know the energy monitoring system of Smarkia

In terms of hardware, the example that everyone is familiar with for energy metering is the fiscal meter, which measures the overall energy consumption of any installation, even in homes. The problem with these devices is that they measure all the energy that enters the installation, and there is no point in knowing the total consumption if it cannot be assigned in a more concrete way to the different points or processes on which to carry out specific energy saving actions.

Therefore, the monitoring of energy consumption requires meters in the main processes of the organization, which will vary depending on the type of company or industry to be monitored, and the degree of detail to be achieved. For the design of the data collection system, a balance will be sought between the potential savings and the investment involved in the greater or lesser detail of the measurement of the installation.

With the meters in place, in operation and collecting data on energy consumption or those variables to be monitored (number of people, products produced, hours, degrees, etc.), they must be connected to an energy monitoring platform, where the data will be displayed in a very visual and intuitive way to simplify their study, analysis and the search for those measures of efficiency and energy savings that allow greater savings to be obtained within the organization.

Parameters to be taken into account for an energy measurement

The data to be followed within an organization to implement energy saving and energy metering rules vary depending on the type of organization or industry, as each process has its own circumstances and energy consumption, so it is important that the platform can be adapted to the needs of each user.

The energy management software Smarkia has a great capacity for customization, so that the user of the platform can work with data that is really useful to him. For example, the Dashboard at Smarkia allows the user to fully customize it with:

  • Relevant and visual information for analysis, such as graphs with consumption, costs, variables, or any parameter relevant to energy monitoring.
  • You can compare current consumption with that of previous periods.
  • Make the necessary changes to obtain accurate information at all times.
  • It is not only about consumption, an energy management system should always allow the measurement of energy of any relevant variable for monitoring.
  • In addition to having customized information within the platform, it is also important to be able to have customized reports to disseminate within the organization, involving everyone in the energy saving process, so that not only those who are directly involved in the process are involved.

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Optimization with energy monitoring software

The constant monitoring of energy metering must be reinforced with tools or functions that allow automating repetitive processes, so that the tool provides energy savings and time savings, improving management efficiency, with more time available for what is really important and necessary.

Examples of these automations can be the programming of periodic reports or the elaboration of alarms that warn if there is a technical failure in the metering structure, or if there is a deviation in consumption. For the latter, the calculation of baselines is very important. These are obtained through complex mathematical processes and the use of big data, so that the platform calculates the energy consumption that should be based on the activity being carried out at any given time. The control of consumption and relevant parameters avoids surprises in bills.

The energy efficiency software should not be limited to offer only the energy consumption data, but all relevant information and values in the measurement of energy and energy consumption of the organization, such as tariffs, contracts, supplies, reports or variables and constants with which to study and even compare consumption.

A very clear example of the above is the use of variables and constants related to consumption, being able to see the relationship between energy consumption and certain variables that influence or with which to compare consumption and performance within the company or with others. Smarkia can make an energy measurement on any variable that can be monitored such as the number of workers, m2, the number of products produced, working hours, etc.. In this way, comparisons can be made within the company itself (comparing, for example, the energy performance between two production lines) or to compare performance with respect to the average consumption of the sector.

How to measure the results of implemented improvements

The best way to know the real scope of the improvements implemented in the organization in terms of energy savings is through:

  • Monitoring of appropriate indicators and comparison with previous periods.
  • In this way, the degree of compliance with the objectives and the established planning of the energy saving measures can be contrasted.
  • And the reduction in consumption achieved, as well as the economic costs derived from it. 

In this aspect, Smarkia allows the elaboration of customized dashboards, where to incorporate graphs with the collected parameters of the installation and its energy measurement, and to contrast the values of the current moment already with the actions of energy improvement, with the historical data of consumption. In this way, the results of these actions can be perfectly evaluated.

Consumption optimization can also be observed in a very visual way through the use of baselines, which allow to see graphically represented the consumption that theoretically should be in the given conditions, based on historical data. This function makes it possible to detect variations in consumption, so that, if the organization achieves savings with the implementation of different measures, the distance between the current consumption line and the baseline will increase, so that it will have to be updated once these savings measures are consolidated.

These are some of the first steps in the use of an energy monitoring software to know the consumption of the organization, locate the points on which to carry out improvements that allow energy savings and to be able to track them, as well as their subsequent control so that the improvements last over time. Therefore, the use of the platform Smarkia Monitor in any process of energy saving is of great help to provide consumption data in real time and keep track of the measures implemented to continue working on energy efficiency based on the results on the consumption of the organization.

Let's talk about your energy savings