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Energy management in hotels: save in the hospitality industry

If you work in the hotel sector, you will know that energy is one of the most expensive items. From Smarkia we tell you how to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of a hotel.
energy management in hotels
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Energy Efficiency

According to the World Economic Forum, and without talking about energy management in hotels, Spain has the most competitive tourism sector in the world, leading this ranking for the first time thanks to its cultural resources, infrastructure and its adaptation to new digital consumption habits.

In addition to this, within the national economy, the hotel sector is one of the most important, since, in the case of Spain, it is one of the few that are currently in continuous growth, growing by 3.7% in the latest figures. This is 11.7% of the Spanish GDP, on the way to surpassing season after season seeing the record figures that it obtains year after year.

For all these reasons, being a worldwide reference sector, it should have the best infrastructures and technologies for energy management in hotels. To this end, a fundamental tool for improving competitiveness and maintaining this position in the rankings is energy efficiency. In particular, the use of energy efficiency software in the case of the main energy consumers in the tourism sector, hotels.

Get to know the most powerful energy management tool on the market

The energy consumption of these can reach 25%, becoming, therefore, the second largest cost to be borne, only behind the cost of personnel. This makes controlling and reducing energy management costs in hotels one of the main ways to increase economic performance. It should not only be a priority because it is one of the most significant items, but also because it will be more profitable to generate savings in resources such as energy than to try to make them profitable by increasing the effort to achieve new sales.

The impact of energy management in hotels

A recent Endesa study on energy management behavior in hotels states that only 21% of Spanish hotels have implemented efficiency measures. This could be considered a waste of opportunities considering that this same study estimated that up to 61% of the sector would obtain more than 20% savings in their energy consumption.

This study shows the existing margin for improvement in the sector as a whole, which is currently not being exploited and could represent important opportunities to improve the profitability of the hotel sector by implementing energy management measures in hotels, such as monitoring or control of consumption and supplies.

3 tips to improve energy management in hotels

Improving energy management in hotels is not easy if you do not have a minimum base in energy knowledge. There is a tendency to think about contracting less energy power, changing supplier company or tending to manual savings: turn on less lights, put less heating...

And, although these measures can be effective in managing energy in your hotel, they are not entirely operational at the moment of truth, so it is normal that you do not end up noticing real savings and give up the effort.

Therefore, from Smarkia, a reference in our sector, we give you 3 basic tips to improve energy management in your hotel:

Audit your consumption

To optimize energy management in hotels, the easiest way is to know and investigate some variables that will be key to savings. For example, knowing where a hotel's largest expense item is can help to size budgets, find problems and solve errors in the energy bill.

Optimize your installations

One of the best investments you can make if you intend to optimize your consumption to start with energy management in your hotel is to look at your own facilities. It is most likely that nothing is specially designed for energy management.

For example, the hotel's lighting system may not be designed to take full advantage of natural light, or the evacuation systems and networks may not be energy efficient.

Therefore, in terms of energy management in hotels, optimizing existing installations with a medium investment can recover money in a very short period of time (the next electricity bill after the renovation) and will be a permanent solution once you have fixed it.

Control and manage with specialized tools

As soon as you know where the consumption is coming from and your installations are optimized, it is time to keep up the pace to keep the savings constant and even in crescendo. To do this, the best thing you can do is to monitor your energy consumption in real time and manage it with a single tool, something that will make your task so much easier that you will start to notice the savings on your bill from day one.

At Smarkia, we have several energy efficiency and management software tools that can help you get started with the change and evolution of your business towards something more sustainable for you and the environment.

Want to know more? We tell you all about it

Energy management in the hotel sector in figures

The annual figures for potential energy savings in the hotel sector amount to 210 million euros. In other words, with the right energy management measures in hotels, 210 million euros could be saved in the sector.

Similarly, it is also estimated that, by implementing valid energy management measures in hotels, up to 850,000 tons of CO2 could be saved from being emitted into the atmosphere, an environmental impact critical enough to seriously consider starting to take action.

Case study: leading hotels in energy management

An example of good energy efficiency practices is the case of the NH chain, which is already the Spanish hotel company with the most hotels certified as excellent by TripAdvisor, and has 30% of its hotels in the Top 10 of each destination.

And this, with sustainable growth and a directive committed to energy efficiency, demonstrating this attitude with actions such as, for example, having the first hotel in Europe with the certification of the Standard ISO 50001 in Energy Systems Management, and later becoming the first international hotel chain with the same certification ISO 50001 worldwide.

Smarkia as an ally in your energy management work in hotels

As we have already mentioned, energy management in hotels and in any other sector is not always simple. The measures to be implemented seem complex once the first audit is done, and it seems impossible to control and monitor all energy consumption, whatever the size of the hotel in particular.

Precisely for this reason, Smarkia can be your best ally. We are leaders in the energy efficiency sector, and we are so because our mission is to help organizations like yours to improve their energy management in hotels, offices or industries.

We have years of experience, and we have analyzed the needs and demands of our customers to create three custom solutions based on Artificial Intelligence to automate and monitor all your consumption, so that the management is as simple and intuitive as possible. In a single interface you will be able to see the path of all your supplies, thus having all costs controlled and optimized.

Do you want to know more to start saving NOW? (CTA)