Energy Management Systems have had a boom since the efficiency of energy consumption is becoming one of the priorities to be improved in homes and organizations. Rising electricity prices, the desire to save on energy bills, new national decrees in this regard such as RD 56/2016 and the growing awareness of climate change are raising questions.
Since all this is part of the social dialogue, Energy Management Systems are the main unknown. What are they? How can they help you meet your energy goals and save on your bill? From Smarkia, a reference in energy efficiency, we can tell you all about them.
What is an Energy Management System?
An Energy Management System (EMS) is the part of a company's policy that deals exclusively with energy consumption and efficiency within the organization. The most logical way to achieve this is to monitor, analyze and manage the energy consumed in order to achieve greater efficiency.
All this can be achieved in a simple, intuitive and more effective way by using energy efficiency software.
Advantages of an Energy Management System
Monitoring, analyzing and managing energy allows organizations to obtain useful information about their facilities in a simple way and, above all, to act according to current consumption in order to save energy, money and management time.
Discover your company's cost overruns
Knowing the company's energy consumption in real time allows us to see cost overruns, anomalies or deviations, study their causes and take the appropriate measures. For example, if the contracted power is not correct, the existence of residual consumption or consumption outside production schedules, high consumption in certain machines or equipment, inefficiencies in the air conditioning systems of buildings, the need for maintenance of equipment, or any incident or inefficiency in consumption. All this will surely be included in your Energy Management System.
Control your consumption
A software coupled to an Energy Management System will allow monitoring and controlling consumption, observing its peaks, and with this data the company can distribute the loads to avoid exceeding the contracted power, and the corresponding cost overruns that this entails. It also helps with the elimination of those residual consumptions, showing where they originate, which greatly facilitates maintenance tasks.
Create alarms for deviations
Another advantage of these Energy Management Systems is the creation of alarms on deviations in the operation and possible inefficiencies that may occur due to abnormal consumption in the installation, or deterioration of the machines or any deviation in the normal consumption of the company. These alarms can be assigned to any member of the team or collaborators in energy control.
Achieve greater automation and convenience
In addition to all this, the possibilities that can be carried out in the organization are almost endless. From programming the switching on of air conditioning equipment, the generation of alarms for unjustified changes in the usual consumption values, control of supply systems in the event of a power outage, as well as in the consumption schedules to try to optimize them, etc.
Some Energy Management Systems, as is the case of Smarkia, take advantage of the latest technologies to provide the best customer service, so they eliminate the need for installation on the equipment to be used and can be accessed from any device with internet connection, which are called Cloud systems. These platforms automatically collect and read energy consumption data from the organization's metering equipment, just like any other software.
And as we have said, one of the main advantages of this type of tool is the possibility of accessing the platform directly on the Internet, from any place and device, without the need for any type of installation. In the case of Smarkia, it does not require the installation of additional hardware either, since it works with the different systems and protocols existing in the market, which considerably reduces installation costs.
How can Smarkia 50001 help you?
How to choose the best Energy Management System
The first thing to do when installing an energy management system (SGEn) is to be clear about the consumption points to be monitored, as well as the current telemetry equipment available to the organization, thus knowing the size of the project to be carried out, and the environmental conditions that influence it such as temperature, humidity and even the meteorology of the place.
Choose a flexible and affordable Energy Management System
Once we have studied the options offered by the market, the logical thing to do is to select a tool that allows us to work with the greatest possible flexibility, and without the need to use any specific hardware, since this will increase the initial costs, and surely, over time, the platform will also require evolutions in the hardware that will force us to renew the equipment. We must also bear in mind that the future expectations of a company will always be focused on its growth, so we must look for a technological solution that is not only flexible but also scalable, and that facilitates the work in multi-site environments.
Real-time monitoring
This type of Energy Management Systems are very useful, as they allow monitoring without having to wait for invoices to know the progress of the adopted saving measures, thus being able to continuously follow up the energy audits and really assess the evolution of the decisions taken. At this point, it is vital that the energy management software allows full customization to the user when generating reports, allowing to study those values on which it is expected to influence. It is also very useful that the tool allows the creation of dashboards tailored to the client, and that he can modify them based on the objectives he is looking for. In this aspect, Smarkia Monitor allows a total customization of the platform, offering the client to obtain the most relevant information in its energy management.
Verify that your Energy Management System complies with regulations
In addition to assisting in energy audits, there is the possibility, in those SGEn based on ISO 50001, which in addition to detecting savings opportunities, allows monitoring and verification in the implementation of measures based on ISO. This is the case of Smarkia 50001, the only platform to date that monitors 100% of the points set out in the ISO standard. ISO 50001The platform is the only one to date that monitors 100% of the points set out in the ISO, giving companies the option of complying with Royal Decree 56/2016 without the need to carry out an energy audit.
Save money today with Smarkia 50001
Choose a customizable Energy Management System
In monitoring, it is vitally important to select indicators for monitoring and verifying the measures adopted by the company. It is advisable to carry out a regression analysis, including the impact of base consumption and each of the variations that affect consumption. This is as important as the selection of the tool or savings policies, because if we choose indicators that could lead us into error, such as ratios, this will ruin all our work.
Another possibility offered by some Energy Management Systems is the calculation of the savings achieved, always taking into account those external variables that have a positive or negative influence on consumption, and that are beyond the control of the organization. Not only savings can be calculated, there is also the possibility of knowing the future consumption through baselines, for which, we only need to know the consumption during a reference period, and the impact of the variables mentioned above in that period of time, thus calculating the future savings due to the improvements implemented, regardless of the climate, production, or any other variable that affects the company in a relevant way.
Ejemplos de Sistemas de Gestión Energética: Smarkia, la plataforma cloud de gestión energética
A simple slogan, but what is energy efficiency? What is energy management software? And what exactly is a cloud platform?
Let us begin by defining energy efficiency as a practice whose purpose is to reduce energy consumption by optimizing energy use and making efficient use of it. Of course, the main energy consumers are companies, and more specifically industries, so this optimization in consumption habits is mainly focused on production processes.
That is why, just as there is software for business management in other areas of the company, there is one whose purpose is industrial energy efficiency, allowing to calculate the energy consumption of processes in real time, estimate future consumption, and know the potential for improvement of each activity within the company, and to implement energy efficiency programs to follow to optimize consumption, through the measurement and control of them, managing to reduce the amount of energy required, along with their corresponding CO2 emissions and obtaining economic savings from this improvement and reduction of energy consumption. In this way, it is easier to comply with an Energy Management System.
This energy measurement is carried out through sensors, meters or energy meters, which send the information to energy management systems, which serve as monitoring tools for all these data. In the case of Smarkia, we only develop the monitoring software, so it can read the consumption data from any meter or meter that the organization already has, thus avoiding that the company incurs higher costs of installing specific hardware for the proper functioning of the energy efficiency tool.
The Smarkia platform provides these and many other functions that help to optimize consumption within the organization. This is why it is one of the favorite options for large energy consumers when it comes to managing and reducing energy costs. In addition to monitoring consumption, with it the company can comply with the regulations ISO 50001, which avoids the company to perform energy audits by complying with the Royal Decree 56/2016.
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