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Smarkia participates in the ECOFACT Project: Technology for the Industry 4.0 of the future

ECOFACT aims to help industries optimize the energy efficiency of their production systems by reducing time and resources.
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The energy efficiency of industrial production systems is a major challenge for the manufacturing sector. The project, financed with European ECOFACT funds , aims to help manufacturing industries optimize the energy efficiency of their production systems by reducing time and resources. 

The project will introduce an innovative green marketing method based on the concept of reducing the environmental and energy footprint of products.

In addition, it will apply a Bigdata-based approach that leverages technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence to better adapt to consumer needs through customized sustainable production. Finally, it will create a high-level platform, as part of a multi-service approach aimed at offering an integrated and innovative combination of functionalities for advanced, sustainable and energy-efficient processes and production management.

ECOFACT is an ambitious initiative under the Horizon 2020 program, funded by the European Union under agreement no. 958373, with a budget of more than 12 million euros.

Led by the Cartif Technology Center, the project is composed of 20 partners from 7 countries who will work together to improve energy efficiency in 4 factories (Arçelik in Romania, Athenian Brewery in Greece, Gullón Vida in Spain and Tofas in Turkey).

The role of Smarkia in the Ecofact Project

The role of Smarkia in the project is transversal, carrying out tasks related to the definition of aspects related to cybersecurity (Smarkia is certified in ISO 27001), data analytics and energy performance. In addition, it will be responsible for monitoring and managing the pilot to be carried out in the GULLÓN VIDA factory, ensuring compliance with the objectives of energy improvement in production.

One of the main contributions of Smarkia will be the application of its artificial intelligence algorithms for the disaggregation and analysis of energy consumption, being able to identify anomalies that until now went unnoticed, predict future behavior and anticipate problems that may arise in the production lines, to avoid unscheduled shutdowns.

For more information about the ECOFACT project you can access the project details, and follow all communications through their Linkedin and Twitter profiles.

If you want more information about Smarkia, you can contact us through our contact form.