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SMARKIA achieves the Great Place To Work distinction

This seal demonstrates that at Smarkia we are not only (r)evolving the energy optimization paradigm.
Great Place To Work Smarkia
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Great Place To Work rates SMARKIA with a 100 score

Great Place To Work, the global brand hallmark, has recognized Smarkia, the company with the SaaS platform that is (r)evolving the global energy optimization paradigm, as a great place to work.

This week, we 'energy mavericks' are prouder than ever to be part of the team at Smarkia, an energy management SaaS platform . The company has achieved the Great Place to Work seal with a 100% score! This seal is awarded to companies that undergo a work climate measurement, in which the employees themselves are responsible for rating human resources practices. The seal serves as a guarantee for the companies that achieve it, that they are an excellent place to work.

Smarkia has received this recognition in a 'sweet moment' of full growth worldwide, and thus seeks to strengthen its workforce and bet on talent, to continue increasing its team of nonconformists, which is increasingly large and diverse. 

What is Great Place To Work?

Great Place To Work is a certification that guarantees, through employee surveys and official organizational documents, that the company receiving the seal is a good place to work. Achieving this recognition means being one of the best companies to work for, having a positive corporate culture and making an impact in your industry.

This seal demonstrates that in Smarkia we are not only (r)evolving the paradigm of energy optimization. We can also boast of being a company that exercises excellent practices in human resources, achieving an optimal working environment that fosters companionship.

Great Place To Work: requirements

There are three basic requirements to achieve Great Place To Work certification: 

  1. The company must have more than 10 employees
  2. A TrustIndex questionnaire must be sent to all employees and a score of at least 65% must be obtained. 
  3. The company should send a Culture Brief on some of its policies and practices.

In the case of Smarkia, not only have these minimum requirements been met, but they have been far exceeded, receiving a 100% score from employees in terms of company-manager-employee trust.

Being a company that works for the world means having a positive impact on the environment and society. The most important thing to achieve this is to take care of the staff from the inside, and that this happiness translates into good results. But what is it that has led its workers to value Smarkia the company in such a high position? This is the result of the strong commitment to implement measures and benefits such as:

  • Private medical insurance.
  • Flexible arrival and departure times.
  • 100% telecommuting or hybrid and minimum 4 face-to-face team building.
  • English classes during working hours.
  • Digital disconnection.
  • Flexible vacations.
  • Intensive workday in summer.
  • Working in a sustainable environment, which seeks to generate a positive impact on the environment and society.
  • Receive in-house training and develop your full potential.
  • To feel that you are part of a company that promotes equality by breaking trends and closing gender gaps.
  • Afterwork with a view of the Cathedral at León.
  • Keep Calm & Cecina.

What are the benefits of obtaining the Great Place To Work seal?

Obtaining the Great Place To Work certificate entails a series of advantages and benefits for the rewarded organizations, among them:

  1. Improving employer branding

By being a Great Place To Work your employer brand will be enhanced, making it easier to attract talent.

  1. Own branding

Your own branding and the reputation of your organization will become eco of the Great Place To Work seal.

  1. Good working environment

The climate among employees, the work environment and interpersonal relationships will benefit.

  1. Reduced employee turnover and increased talent retention

Your staff is likely to have lower turnover as they perceive your company as a good place to work, making it easier and more organic to retain talent.

  1. Differential value

Your competitiveness within the sector will increase, being the Great Place To Work seal a great contribution of value that will differentiate you from your competition.

For Smarkia, reasons such as the contribution of value, the good climate among employees and the retention of the talent of our team have been the main drivers for wanting to obtain this Great Place To Work certification, a recognition that is finally here to stay. 

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