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SmartSPIN Project: Smart energy services for shopping malls.

Smarkia participates in the new European project SmartSPIN: increased uptake of Smart Energy Services (SES) in commercial buildings.
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Smarkia participates in the new European project SmartSPINa project that will develop, test, validate and exploit a new business model leading to a wider uptake of Smart Energy Services (SES) in commercial buildings.

El proyecto SmartSPIN aúna a expertos dentro de toda la cadena de valor: empresas de servicios energéticos (Lawler Sustainability, EGEN), especialistas en M&V (HEBES), proveedores de energía (EUNICE), centros de investigación (TECNALIA) y sistemas de gestión energética (Smarkia) en 3 regiones piloto (España, Grecia e Irlanda) para demostrar la eficacia del modelo.

Why a new ESCO contract model in shopping centers?

Shopping malls have a huge untapped potential for energy efficiency improvements. However, current ESCO contract models, such as the split incentive model, pose a barrier to entry when it comes to involving all stakeholders in implementing energy efficiency measures and achieving savings.

Until now, the building owner is usually solely responsible for bearing the associated costs of such projects, while the tenants benefit from most of the improvements: lower bill costs, lower CO2 emissions. This implies a low motivation on the part of the owners to invest upfront in energy efficiency actions.

SmartSPIN removes the initial barriers to these contracts through the "Energy Efficiency as a Service (EEaaS)" concept. 

Under this model, owners are encouraged to retrofit their buildings without assuming the initial costs, which are assumed by an ESCO. The savings obtained from the project are shared among all stakeholders in a fair and transparent manner, increasing reliability and persistence in continuing to generate a greater amount of energy savings.

"It is forecast that the project could generate sustainable energy investments of up to €219 million within 5 years of completion." - Pádraig Lyons, Head of Group at IERC

In addition, SmartSPIN provides a set of tools for the adoption of the new model. This model relies on the digitization of its processes with the use of energy control, management and measurement and verification (M&V) technologies and predictive AI algorithms.

El papel de Smarkia en el proyecto europeo SmartSPIN

The pilot project in Spain will be carried out by Klepierre in the La Gavia and Plenilunio shopping centers.

From Smarkia we contribute to provide the necessary technology to facilitate the digitalization of the new model, monitoring and visualizing energy data, allowing to establish baselines, detecting energy saving opportunities through AI and applying gamification techniques that enhance the involvement of tenants in improving their energy efficiency ratios.

This project is part of the H2020 program, contributing to accelerating the energy transition and achieving the EU's energy efficiency targets.

For more information about the project, you can contact us through our contact form.